Emerged in Thailand around 10 years ago.
Rachinee, with its nickname RCN is one of the most famous adenium cultivars in Thailand and overseas. This is one of the most common breed every adenium enthusiast is looking for.
RCN Characteristics:
RCN features a big caudex but has small glossy leaves.
It will grow tall a bit before branching out a lot of branches and flowers at the apex. Many adenium lovers like to cultivate RCN as bonsai form.
Adenium arabicum is a species of succulent plant commonly used for bonsai and cultivated for its shiny leaves, growth form and flowering characteristics. Common names include desert rose, elephants foot, and Adan bush. They are monoecious and self-sterile. A. arabicum is native to Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
A. arabicum prefers full sun, and is suitable for US hardiness zones 10 and 11.
Light: Full sun - sunny window.
Water: Water during the spring/summer. Reduce water in the winter, but keep hydrated enough to retain its leaves.
Soil: A well-drained succulent mix, with an ideal pH around 6.0 (slightly acidic).
Fertilizer: Fertilize during spring and summer with controlled-release fertilizer or liquid fertilizer according to label directions.
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