Brachychiton Rupestris ( Queensland Bottle Tree ), 10 Seeds


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Brachychiton is a genus of 30 or more species, most of which occur in tropical parts of Australia in dry areas or in rainforest. They are large shrubs or trees.suitable for indooor growing and as a bonsai specimen.and outdoor growing in USDA zone 8 and warmer..

The bottle tree is a small to medium sized tree which may reach 18-20 metres in height although it is usually much smaller in cultivation in cooler areas. It has a characteristic bulbous trunk which gives rise to the common name and which makes the tree unmistakable. Leaves are about 100 mm long and may have entire margins or be deeply lobed. The cream, bell-shaped flowers occur in clusters at the ends of the branches in spring, but are not especially conspicuous. The flowers are followed by seed capsules which contain many large seeds.

It accepts almost any type of well-drained soil in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 8 through 11, including clay, sand, and loam. It grows in dry soil or moist soil and tolerates both acidic and alkaline soil. However, if you are planting an Australian bottle tree, plant it in direct sun in a moderately fertile soil for best results. Avoid wet soil or shady areas. Kurrajong bottle trees are not demanding about irrigation either. Bottle tree care involves providing moderate amounts of water in dry weather. The trunks of Kurrajong bottle trees store water, when it is available.

Propagation from seed is relatively easy without any pretreatment. The seeds are surrounded in the capsule by irritant hairs and are best collected using gloves.

Scarification: Pour in just boiled water over seeds, soak for 30 seconds. Transfer to a container with luke warm water and soak overnight. Swollen seed can then be sown, re-treat seeds that have not swollen. Stratification is not required.

Germination: Sow the depth of seed deep. Place in a warm shaded or semi shaded position to avoid dying out. The growing medium should be well draining but should remain damp between watering. Keep moist but not too wet as the seed may rot. Do not let the growing mix completely dry out.

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