Adenium Somalense ( Desert Rose, Mock Azalea ), 10 Seeds


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Adenium somalense occurs in Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, and a bit into adjacent nations. The most common form in cultivation grows a tall, conical, succulent trunk, but there are also shrubby forms with subterranean caudexes. Only A. "arabicum" and socotranum have larger caudexes. The most identifiable vegetative characteristics are the conical caudex and light-colored veins in the leaves. The flowers are rather small, 1 to 2 inches wide. The flowers typically have narrow pointed petals (star-shaped flowers) that are white or pink with dark pink or red borders. Prominent nectar guides in the throat extend onto the petals as fainter lines, not as bold as those of most A. crispum flowers. It is not common in cultivation in the USA, but is fairly popular in more tropical countries.
Soak seeds overnight in water and sow 3/8" deep in a well draining media containing equal parts soil, sand and gravel or poultry grit.

Light: Full sun - sunny window.
Water: Water during the spring/summer. Reduce water in the winter, but keep hydrated enough to retain its leaves.
Soil: A well-drained succulent mix, with an ideal pH around 6.0 (slightly acidic).
Fertilizer: Fertilize during spring and summer with controlled-release fertilizer or liquid fertilizer according to label directions.

Winter hardy to USDA Zone 11. North of USDA Zone 11, plants should be grown in containers and overwintered indoors. In containers, desert rose is best grown in a loose, sandy or gravelly, well-drained soil mix in full sun. Water should drain freely through medium to avoid root rot.

The sap of Adenium plants contains toxic cardiac glycosides and is toxic to people and pets.

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